LEBBS - Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Update

By Amy Robinson 17 comments

LEBBS - Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Update

LEBBS - Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Update

Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Service (LEBBS) have popped into Urban Moto again last week for some essential bike parts. Don from LEBBS is pictured here with our director Jenny. Proud to be helping those in need in these strange times! 🏍

Blood bikes have been running in the UK since the late 1960's. They provide an out-of-hours courier service transporting essential medical items such as blood, pathology & microbiology specimens, medical notes and pharmaceutical products between hospitals and healthcare facilities. This service is offered completely free of charge.

The main aims of Blood Bikes are: 1. Save money for the NHS. 2. Save Lives. 3. Promote a positive image of motorcyclists. We think they're doing a brilliant job, thank you so much. 🩸


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